Monday, 27 August 2012

PART VII: How Leader’s Could Rate Multi Level or Network Marketing Companies……


In this part, Product, Concept, Idea and Services, the important parameters, would be discussed because it is these which are mostly promoted for marketing in Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing Industry.

Conscious Leaders are very susceptible regarding Product, Concept, Idea and Services, which they are about to promote. They take lot of time and do a brain storming sessions with their team. Their future and business earning depends on judicious selection of any of these Product, Concept, Idea and Services. Any hasty or wrong decision would create a resentment and dishonesty in the team which would jeopardize the future prospect and earning. So an experienced and mature Leader’s “Question and Queries” should be answered with full fact and with due confidence by the Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing company.

The basic theme of Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing industry is to involve people from the society to sale its Product, Concept, Idea and Services, so that both, the company and individual earn a living or handsome profit. This industry emphasizes on the promotion of Product, Concept, Idea and Services, so that when a unit is sold to a new Associate or Distributor or repurchased by any member of the team, a commission is calculated and generated in a prescribed format.

First of all, we should understand and know “What Product, Concept, Idea and Services are?”.

Unless and until we were versatile with its predominant details, it would not be easy for us to promote. Whatever earning we are going to earn, is from the sale of Product, Concept, Idea and Services, hence we should understand these term and its major features.

Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing Companies have seen a lot of ideological changes taking place during the past decades. These changes have taken place especially in the new emerging markets and third world countries.  The Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing system has been accepted as a better way of earning with limited resources and investment as well as of time. So a lot of innovative combinations were adopted by different companies to gain market share. During the process many durable and non durable products were experimented with, in the society and market.

All the established and well to do Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing Company promote “Product”. Different types and verities of Products have been launched in the industry by companies. Some of these products which are popular in the industry are assorted as per the given categories:-

          FMCG Products
In this category all the items of daily needs have been adopted by companies such as Soaps and Detergents, Toothpastes, Personal Care, Body Care and Hair Care Products, Snacks, Biscuits, Vegetable Oils and many more products, the list is quiet long.

          Health Segment Products
The health segment also has many different verities of products, starting from traditional system of medication to ultra modern products. These products are Concentrated Mineral Drops, Noni Juice, Aloe Juice and other Aloe based Products, Spirulina, Wheat Grass, Mushroom based Products, Ayurvedic and Herbal Products for Immune System, Diabetes, Obesity and Health Tonic for multiple ailments and so on. Modern medical products such as Stem Cell Therapy, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Transfer factor, etc.

          Electrical Appliances
All types of Electrical Appliances have been used by so many companies for the past few years in the industry such as TV Sets, Microwave Ovens, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Health Equipment, Energy Savers, Electrical Induction Cookers, Reverse Osmosis Water Filters and what not.  

          Electronic Items
Modern Electronic items have also been included in Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing Industry. Some of these products are as follows: - Mobile & Smart Phones, Laptops, Tablet PC’s, Digital Cameras, DTH Equipments, Anti Radiation Products, Mobile Battery Enhancer, etc.

          Clothing’s, Fabrics & Upholstery
Stitched Garments, Fabric for Shirts, Trousers and Suits, Sari’s, Bed Sheets, Covers and Blankets, Woolen garments and Stitched and Non-Stitched Ladies Suits, and other similar items.

Motor Bikes 
                   Most of average rates Motor Bikes have been marketed in the system.

As from the above sub- titles, we get the view that companies are prepared to take risk with unique or utility based product.

The new emerging and third world market is still in the process of evolution regarding Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing Industry. In these markets the customers adopt different parameters for the purchase of products with respect to Western or Developed Countries. People in this type of market touch the product, get its feel, discuss about its utility factor, uniqueness, its worthiness in terms of money spent and usages. Lastly, but not the least, they ask regarding Quality & Technology as well as where it can be serviced or repaired in local market if the product is of durable nature.

Some times these products have to be delivered in remote area, so Leaders should understand the Delivery and Logistic system of the respective company. Few interested individuals don’t take part in the system because they see this as a major hurdle in business promotion.

In my opinion this behavior and thinking can not be said as conservative or lacking openness because it is the “Product” that is being promoted. If the credibility and worthiness of the product is not up to the mark then the whole business of promotion of Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing Industry would collapse or take a beating.

A worthy and needy Product would sale on its own, Associates or Distributor has only to guide in the respective social community.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that “Product” should be of Quality and durable with affordable Price, as well as utility wise worthy for promotion in the Network Marketing/ Multi Level Marketing Industry. Our Leaders should sincerely look into these fine details and follow these basic guidelines. 


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