Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Part I: How Leader’s Could Rate Multi Level or Network Marketing Companies……

At the present time many new companies are being formed throughout the world either to provide Products, Services, Concepts or Ideas. Basically all these companies follow the norms of the land and do changes as the government regulations permit.

Most of these companies adopt the traditional marketing strategies but some follow the ‘Network Marketing’ or ‘Multi Level Marketing’ system.

The question that arises now, “What is Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing?” Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing is a form of marketing system where companies market their Products, Services, Concepts or Ideas and give leverage with a compensation system for the ‘Customers’. In Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing Customer’s are mostly referred as “Associate’s or Distributor’s”. All Distributors or Associates have to promote whatever the respective company is marketing, in doing so he gets “stipulated commission”.

Generally a lot of question is raised regarding Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing and its practices. Mostly, People ask regarding the genuineness, ethical trade affinity and practices, taxation process while marketing, legality of commission received, stock and its timely delivery of the respective products, ideas, concepts or services which is being promoted.

Some people think that Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing is for desperate or down and out people or get-rich-quick scheme or business of creating illusion and is not a real business.

Few of those people who gather courage to accept Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing as an ethical system, also have a lot of questions in their minds. First of all they think that the system is good but “I can’t sell or promote it”, “Go door to door to sell” or “Making a lot of money is not possible through the Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing System”. As a matter of fact they also think that they have to deliver product and provide after sales services on behalf of the company.  Lastly, but not the least a major question comes as, “Very few make money in Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing System”.

Experienced Leader’s and Peer’s of the industry have developed certain parameters, which helps them to answer most of the above ‘Questions’ or ‘Doubts’ regarding the respective company of the Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing system which they are promoting.

This specific guideline when strictly followed gives us a breakthrough and launching pad in Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing industry. Achieving the strictly stringent non achievable target of any respective company, is possible, only when the associate or distributer is very confident with the organization and its management, its Products, Services, Concepts or Ideas. Legalities of the respective company, its technical superiority and timely payment of commissions are also some of the major points.

These above notable points regarding reviewing any Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing company and concept and is basically done on the following given parameters,  as:-
  • Inception and Legal Document of the Formation of the ‘Company’.
  • Status of Products, Services, Concepts or Ideas.
  • Business Plan and its applicability.
  • Technical compatibility and excellence in software management.
  • Payment System and Stability as well as Payment Gateway adopted.
  • Achievable Rewards or Hypothetical.
  • Management experience in running the Company.

These above mentioned major parameters will be discussed in detail in consecutive blogs.


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