Saturday, 25 August 2012

PART VI: How Leader’s Could Rate Multi Level or Network Marketing Companies……

Before reading this article please read the previous issues on the same topic.

Many new companies are getting launched day by day, so is the case with Leaders. As the things are changing day in and day out, so is the quality of leadership. When ever a new Business or marketing Plan is touching the horizon of Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing, new leadership trait is required and we are finding few daring individuals are taking command of the situation and exploiting the remaining vacuum and space available in the market and society.

But, still the old tried and tested techniques of leadership are not redundant. These basic checking parameters regarding Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing Company are still having full market worthiness. Peers and experienced leaders of the industry still find these handy & useful; they coach and teach the new Associate or Distributor so that new breed of Leaders is groomed. These senior Leaders check and recheck the basic parameters of respective Company. One of the major parameter regarding validating a Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing Company is by its ‘Payment System’.

This parameter of ‘Payment System’ is an important ingredient which should be analyzed in a systematic manner. At first Leaders should enquire “Which payment mode the company has adopted?”

The answer to the question gives the thinking pattern of the company and their ethical values. It also generates a chain of questions regarding the respective Company. From the above answers management and administrative views of the company is judged, it gives a cue and suggest the life of the Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing Company. Company and its management have come for a short duration of time to mop up fund and vanish in the air or are here to struggle and make their presence felt in the market.

To start with, never trust a Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing Company, when commissions/incentives are paid in Cash or either through personal or Company Cheque. In the near future the scene would be very gloomy. Leaders should shun themselves when such a scene develops.

Some companies use Demand Draft or Bank Draft as mode of payment of Commission to the Associates or Distributors. If the situation is this, it is highly advised to the Leader, to validate Demand Draft or Bank Draft mode of payment system of the respective Company. This type of Payment System is best suited for product based company having ‘Point Value’ or ‘Business Value’ system in their Business or Marketing Plan because in such companies the commission is calculated on monthly basis. Companies promoting product which are repurchased adopt Demand Draft or Bank Draft mode of payment and is one of the best system for leaders to promote.

One of the other options which are best utilized by Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing Company is ‘Payment Gateway’ or ‘Online Payment System’ through ‘Bank’ of repute.  This is the best mode to receive commission because the money transfer is instant but it has also given rise to some unscrupulous activities on the part of companies. These discrepancies have crept because few companies are using very conservative or localized bank. Second, the process of time delaying activities does take place at the stipulated time while paying commission, i.e. server is not working properly, load is on server, software is giving biased details, Virus has entered the system and so on and so forth.

Even then, some companies adopt the process of paying on daily or weekly basis, at this juncture it is one of the best system to be considered by the Leaders and Team.  But, if the payment system is on monthly basis then this online mode of payment and the respective company is not worth consideration.

The above mentioned details give an overview of the system, techniques and tactics operating presently in the market, so it’s the experience & leadership quality which guides us all, and nothing is fool proof in Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing Industry.


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